Sunday on CNN’s “Inside Politics,” host John King said Hillary Clinton only has herself to blame for the continuing scandal over her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

King said, “Democrats may roll their eyes, go ahead, but the Hillary Clinton’s private e-mails controversy now has new legs and the democratic front-runner has only herself to blame. After the House Benghazi committee released some new e-mails this past week the Obama State Department was forced to admit it was not in possession of some Clinton e-mails that clearly discussed department business. Now you might recall Secretary Clinton a few months ago had promised she had turned everything that belonged in the government files over to the government before she erased her private email server.”

“Now Republicans are saying now that we know a few emails are missing, who’s to say dozens and dozens aren’t missing. Now let’s be clear, there’s zero proof of that. But the flip side is Secretary Clinton can’t definitively prove there aren’t additional things that should have been turned over to the government that were not. She can’t prove that because she erased her private e-mail server without any independent supervision. Now will some Republicans blow this out of proportion or wonder into the land of conspiracy theories? Perhaps. Probably, being partisan or reckless. But It’s worth remembering this, this would not be an issue if Secretary Clinton hadn’t erased her e-mail server.”

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