The revelation that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton failed to turn over all of the work-related emails from her personal server could result in a broader congressional investigation, the Wall Street Journal reports.

The report comes after the State Department confirmed that Clinton — who used a personal email account and server to conduct official business while head of the State Department — did not turn over at least 15 work-related emails discovered when the House Select Committee on Benghazi obtained emails from former Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal.

Committee chairman Trey Gowdy last week called the reevaluation “significant and troubling.”

“These new messages in many instances were Clinton’s responses, which clearly show she was soliciting and regularly corresponding with Sidney Blumenthal—who was passing unvetted intelligence information about Libya from a source with a financial interest in the country. It just so happens these emails directly contradict her public statement that the messages from Blumenthal were unsolicited,” he said in a statement.

He added that the missing emails and a new set of Clinton emails provided to the committee from the State Department “raise questions that the committee will now be considering carefully in the days ahead.”

As the Journal notes, the newly discovered emails are in stark contrast to Clinton’s public claims that she turned over all her work-related emails, it has also added more fuel to Republican calls that the Democratic candidate for president turn over her server to a third party.

“This, of course, begs the question of what other information Clinton did not provide in response to our Congressional inquiry, and confirms the need for a neutral, independent, third party to be given access to Clinton’s private, non-government server that provided the sole email communications link to her during her time as Secretary of State,” Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KA), a member of the Select Committee on Benghazi, said in a statement Friday.