“We can all become Benedictine monks,” or “we can clear our throats, we can lean forward, we can have a conversation with our neighbors and we can try to do something practical to protect ourselves and to lead our country forward” Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny Nance told the Breitbart News Sunday listening audience and host Matthew Boyle in response to last week’s decision from the U.S. Supreme Court to force homosexual marriage in all 50 states.

“We can try to go forward with a constitutional amendment,” Nance said, noting Gov. Scott Walker, former Gov. Mike Huckabee, and Senator Ted Cruz. Nance said she had heard the rest of the GOP presidential field voice concern, but not show the same leadership or “leaning forward in their posture.”

“What we’re going to be facing next Matt is polygamy, now that we’ve devalued marriage and said that marriage is no longer between a man and a woman as we’ve all understood for the past 2,000 years in every major religion.”

Both Boyle and Nance expressed surprise at Senator Marco Rubio’s response to the court’s decision. Boyle referenced Rubio having positioned himself as a conservative, having stood up for marriage in the past and now saying it is time to back down.

Nance said she was surprised at Rubio’s waffling on the issue and a lack of response from Rand Paul.

“Great leaders are the men and women who step forward and are courageous during troubled times.” Nance said they’d be looking to protect religious rights through the First Amendment Defense Act.

Boyle asked Nance what she was looking for in a Presidential nominee when considering Supreme Court judicial appointments.

Nance said the high court is going to change dramatically in the next four or five years. She would ask a candidate how he or she would decide whom to appoint. Recalling asking Jeb Bush that question, she said he noted looking at a court candidate’s record, what that candidate has said, if that candidate is a Constitutionalist, and how that candidate will handle public pressure.

How are people that want traditional marriage going to fight back in light of the Supreme Court ruling, Boyle asked.

Nance said, “The first thing we’ve got to do is pray.” She said Christians have to own and turn around the troubled state of marriage among the faith community. Then people need to find out who their representatives are and let those representatives hear their voices. “You’ve got to vote,” she added. “There’s 60 million Matt, evangelical and faithful Catholic just women in this country and only a quarter of them vote.” She said their votes alone could change the outcome of elections.

“In the short term…we’re going to pass the Mike Lee bill,” Nance said, referring to the First Amendment Defense Act.

“We’ve got to have the conversation with our own children,” Nance said. “We’ve got to do it, clear our throats and have the conversation [with our neighbors] or we’re not going to win, because… politics is downstream from public opinion.”

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