Louisiana Governor and Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal declared “I think the left wants to take God out of the public square” on Wednesday’s “O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel

Jindal said the ACLU “used to be for religious freedom before they [were] against it. … I think they want to get to a point where we no longer have First Amendment religious freedom rights.”

He continued, “Look, the ACLU on their website, says religious freedom, religious liberty is a fundamental right. Here’s the hypocrisy, they’ve actually used Louisiana’s religious freedom restoration act to defend the rights of other religious minorities, and good for them for doing that. Now that it’s evangelical Christians, now that it’s Catholics who object to re-defining marriage, who are simply saying, ‘We don’t want to participate in weddings that violate our conscience, our beliefs.’ Now, the ACLU is saying, ‘You can’t have the same rights, the First Amendment protections we want for other religious minorities.’ I think the left wants to take God out of the public square.”

Jindal also discussed the 106 “Look, Jeb Bush said you’ve got to be willing to lose the primary to win the general election. I think that’s nonsense. We have tried to make the left happy. We’ve tried to appease the media. It doesn’t work. Let’s embrace our conservative principles.”

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