Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “On the Record,” real estate mogul Donald Trump, a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, made an appearance by phone and reacted to Macy’s announcement earlier in the day that it would no longer being carrying a line of clothing with Trump’s name.

Trump explained to host Greta van Susteren that he did not want to see Macy’s face any outside pressure that may have arisen from his remarks.

“Well, I heard pressure was being put on Macy’s and I spoke to them about it and I don’t want them to have pressure,” Trump said. “I know them very well, we’ve had a good relationship. It’s a small business … They do not handle pressure well.”

“I’m OK with it,” he added. “I have nothing against Macy’s. I don’t like the fact that people are trying to be so politically correct that they don’t do the right thing, however Greta.”

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