GOP presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee released a new campaign video that highlights the threat of a nuclear Iran. It encourages Americans to sign Huckabee’s open letter to Secretary John Kerry.

In the letter, Huckabee calls on the Obama administration “to reject a deal with Iran that will spark a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, threaten Israel’s existence and unleash a wave of terrorism around the world.”

Huckabee’s letter to Kerry:

Dear Secretary Kerry:

I join with Americans and Israelis to call on you to reject a deal with Iran that will spark a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, threaten Israel’s existence and unleash a wave of terrorism around the world.

A threat to Israel is a threat to America. You should be ashamed of yourself for boycotting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to Congress this year but never missing an opportunity to visit with Iranian leaders. Prime Minister Netanyahu is a Churchill in a world full of Chamberlains. Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East and Iran is the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism.

I urge you to stand with Israel and reject a deal with Iran that threatens us all.

Gov. Mike Huckabee