Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump criticized the GOP for only having “48 hours of indignation” but then forgetting about Hillary Clinton’s scandals in a speech on Saturday.

Trump said politicians, “talk about Benghazi, huge indignation, Benghazi, Benghazi, two days later, you never hear them again. They talk about IRS. They talk about Hillary’s emails. She broke the law. She got a subpoena from the United States Congress and then she didn’t give them the emails, she destroyed them. Do you remember Rose Mary Woods from Richard Nixon? 18 minutes of tape, ruined her life. Hillary gets an email from the United States Congress, gets through an email, a subpoena. I mean, everybody’s saying they sent the subpoena. Now they’re politicians, so maybe they didn’t, but they all said they sent a subpoena. She gets the subpoena, and then she deletes. Tell me, how do you do this? She gets rid of her server…she broke the law. So, the Republicans, and you know what, at least we know where the Democrats are coming from. But for the Republicans, I’m more disappointed in them. Because it’s a huge — I’m a Republican conservative, it’s true, and you see it. 48 hours of indignation…you don’t even hear about it anymore. You don’t even hear about it. Let me tell you something, if I get this nomination, you’re going to hear a lot about it.”

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