The Bureau of Reclamation wants 52,000 rounds of ammo for use in law enforcement at Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, but it doesn’t want to talk about the purchase.

The Las Vegas Sun inquired into “details” regarding the ammunition request, and the Bureau of Reclamation declined to comment. However, a bureau spokesperson did say, “We want to limit the amount of information any bad guys might have about our protection capabilities.”

According to the June 5 Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) ammo request, the Bureau of Reclamation sought “20,800 rounds of pistol ammunition,” “20,800 rounds of rifle ammunition,” “7,800 rounds of 12 gauge, 9 pellet, 00 Buck, Low recoil shotgun ammunition,” and “2,600 rounds of 12 gauge, segmenting slug shotgun ammunition.”

An order “specifications” sheet explained that the pistol ammo was to be 147 grain 9mm “Bonded Hollow Point” and the rifle ammunition was to be 69 grain .223 or 5.56 caliber “Hollow Point Boat-Tail.”

The Sun reports that Representative Mark Amodei (R-NV-2nd) “vowed to inquire with the bureau about its operations, number of officers carrying firearms and how much ammunition it uses.”

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