On June 24, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) ordered the Confederate battle flag removed from the state Capitol grounds in Montgomery. On July 13, the Huntsville, Alabama, chapter of the NAACP said the Confederate battle flag worn by every Alabama state trooper and emblazoned on every trooper’s vehicle needs to go away, as well.

WAFF 48 reports that NAACP spokesperson Reverend Robert L. Shanklin said, “The time is right, and I just think it needs to be. We need to do a clean sweep. The state and local government, anywhere that that’s located.”

According to Raw Story, a version of the flag is contained in the coat of arms of the State of Alabama, and that coat of arms is what each trooper wears. The Alabama Highway acknowledged the request but said any decision to act on it will have to come from Governor Bentley.

This comes on the heels of a request by the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP that “a carving of Confederate war Generals Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson be removed from Stone Mountain.” That carving “is considered to be the largest bas-relief sculpture in the world.” And Huntsville’s request precedes an anticipated Mississippi NAACP request for the state of Mississippi to remove the Confederate flag logo from its state flag.

National NAACP director Hilary Shelton said:

We want to put [the flag] where it belongs, in a historic museum. It belongs in a museum. So it should not be flown as a banner of reverence. It’s only flown as an emblem of hatred, violence, discrimination and murder. So, that being said, we’re calling for it to come down.

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