Planned Parenthood has issued a statement about the gruesome and now viral video in which its chief medical officer discusses, with actors posing as biotech entrepreneurs, how to go into business buying fetal body parts obtained from Planned Parenthood abortions.

Secretly recorded, Dr. Deborah Nucatola said there is a range of pricing for aborted body parts including hearts, livers and “lower extremities.” She described how abortionists can manipulate the live baby so her head comes from the birth canal last in order to preserve the internal organs.

Eric Ferrero, Vice President of Communications for Planned Parenthood of America said,

“In health care, patients want to donate tissue to scientific research that can help lead to medical breakthroughs, such as treatments and cures for serious diseases. Women at Planned Parenthood who have abortions are no different. At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does — with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood. In some instances, actual costs, such as the cost to transport tissue to leading research centers, are reimbursed, which is the standard across the medial field.”

The statement goes on to say the Center for Medical Progress “is a well funded group established for the purpose of damaging Planned Parenthood’s mission and services has produced a heavily edited, secretly recorded video tape that falsely portrays Planned Parenthood’s participation in tissue donation programs that support lifesaving scientific research.”

Planned Parenthood, then, does not deny Nucatola’s explanation of how abortionists can position an unborn child during an abortion to deliver the body and its organs intact. That’s generally described as a partial birth abortion, which is illegal.

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