Harley-Davidson-riding, union busting, tax-cutting, budget-balancing, Christian conservative Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced on Monday he is running for president in an increasingly crowded Republican field.

In a Monday campaign video, Walker said he stands out as a conservative leader who won three elections in four years in a blue state without sacrificing his conservative principles.

“In the Republican field, there are some who are good fighters, but they haven’t won those battles,” said Walker. “And there are others who’ve won elections, but haven’t consistently taken on the big fights. We showed you we can do both.”

Walker added, “We did it by leading. Now, we need to do the same thing for America.”

Walker’s humble, middle-class roots have helped propel him to broad support as a sort of “everyman” ordinary Americans can connect with. A passionate communicator, Walker’s record of turning Wisconsin’s $3.6 billion deficit into a surplus—all while cutting taxes by $2 billion—has found favor with fiscal conservatives. Social conservatives, on the other hand, have been encouraged by Walker’s defunding of Planned Parenthood and enactment of pro-life legislation. The combination, say Walker supporters, is precisely what the Republican Party needs to unite the party and defeat Democrats.

“If our conservative reforms can work in a blue state like Wisconsin, they can work anywhere in America,” said Walker on Monday in a statement titled, “Why I’m running for President.”

The Walker campaign highlighted his high-profile victories over aggressive union opposition as further evidence of his toughness and willingness to stand and deliver on conservative reforms.

“If you could accomplish half of what he’s done in Wisconsin in Washington, D.C., you would go down as one of the greatest presidents ever,” said top Walker strategist Rick Wiley.

So far, conservative voters in critical states like Iowa agree, where he currently leads Republican candidates among likely GOP Caucus voters, according to a recent Quinnipiac survey.

To learn more about Gov. Scott Walker, his plans, and campaign, visit the Breitbart Action Center at the top of Breitbart.com for regular updates.