Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are having similar effects on their parties. Barring any indictment, Hillary will be the Democrat nominee.

Primary votes will determine the future POTUS hopes of Donald Trump, but outside the base of the GOP and some independents it is questionable if he will be the nominee. I have stated many times before on my SiriusXM show that the Republican team for POTUS and V-POTUS will make the difference in this election.

Fact is, both candidates are sucking up most of the oxygen in the press room and there is little else in the broad spectrum of current political news. Even the Iran nuclear deal struggles for space. The news cycle can be fickle, as is the American attention span. Once the tragic and unnecessary murder of Kate Steinle, allegedly by illegal alien Francisco Sanchez in a sanctuary city leaves the front pages, we will see a shift in political narrative for Trump and many of the candidates.

Hillary Clinton’s scandals combined with a lackluster (at best opposition) takes away attention from other Democrat candidates.

Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign is a farce. Ask any average American to name other Democrats running. How many know that Jim Webb, a former Secretary of the Navy under Ronald Reagan, a former Virginia Senator and a respectable man, is in the running for the democrat nomination?

Hillary is being dealt the drip, drip, drip of the email scandal. This also questions her State Department leadership or lack of it and ignites further the specter of a shadow government. Many Americans will not forget Benghazi which is slowly progressing but still under investigation. The Clinton Foundation donations story will also heat up again. Hillary has not forgotten, and has deployed her top acolytes like James Carville and Lanny Davis to water down the public debate and deflect.

Hillary Clinton’s flip, flop, flip on sanctuary cities feeds more into the Donald Trump immigration narrative. Trump has taken on a scandal that has been perpetuated on the American people since the Reagan amnesty and the failure of Democrats to provide enforcement as promised. Both Republicans and Democrats have failed for their own reasons on border security, visa reform, work visa reform, punishing employers of illegal aliens and much more.

Too often Republicans run from their own shadow on illegal immigration and will rarely call so-named undocumented immigrants, illegal aliens which is the legal designation.

Do Democrats even believe in enforcement of US immigration laws? It will be interesting to see if President Obama weighs in and tries to regain control of the illegal alien debate. He doesn’t need Hispanics anymore since he’s not running for office again but the Democrats and Hillary Clinton need them badly to win. So do Republicans.

A common mistake is to lump Hispanics into one voting bloc. This is a mistake reflective of how blacks were treated by both parties and have acted for most of the past 50 years. The fault in this lies within the black community which for too many years self-segregated.

There are some key differences between blacks and Hispanics. The Hispanic population has a longer and complex history of freedom and never having been slaves that goes back to our nation’s founding and the march westward. This is not only about Mexicans. Mexicans are just the closest neighbors and largest bloc of illegal aliens. Hispanics are not a single party voting bloc. This idea is a narrative being pushed by democrats and woefully addressed by republicans.

The American of Hispanic descent, like other voters, will vote his or her interests. Many are Republican voters. Not all are for illegal immigration as sold in the public narrative, especially Hispanics who do not want the attachment of being lumped in with illegals. There are blended families of legal and illegals but that is not necessarily reflective of the individual vote.

The newest wave of illegal aliens are in three main categories.

Mexico, South and Central American illegals, who may want an escape from their broken societies but for now will not be able to vote illegally in large enough numbers to affect the general election. Their bigger threat is in local elections where a few hundred votes or less cast illegally can determine the winner.

Criminal illegals are less worried about voting, more concerned about being criminals. We should incarcerate or deport. The problem with deporting is practically non-existent border security. Here, Donald Trump leads in the outcry and most Americans agree.

Illegals come in all ethnicities and from all countries. They do not all cross our porous southern and northern borders. For example, many illegals are visa overstays.

Republican candidates need to address Hispanics as adults, not be afraid or pander. Donald Trump says he can win the Hispanic vote. Hillary Clinton panders to them and assumes they belong to her and the Democrats. The Hispanic vote can be split and can make a difference in the general election.

Soon another topic will suck up the oxygen in the room. We have a long way to go to November 2016.