In the wake of the heinous July 16 attack that killed four unarmed Marines and a Sailor in Chattanooga, GOP Representatives are pushing to repeal the military gun free zone policies across the country.

Breitbart News previously reported that Representative Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-4th) will introduce legislation to repeal “bans on military personnel carrying firearms on military recruitment facilities and bases.” And it appears he will not be alone.

According to The Hill, Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA-50th) will be introducing similar legislation and Represenative Mac Thornberry (R-TX-13th) is pushing for a change to allow the carrying of guns as well.

Representative Scott Rigell (R-VA-2nd), “whose district is home to the largest concentration of service members, called on Defense Secretary Ash Carter to allow commanders at military installations to authorize certain personnel to carry personal firearms.”

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is calling for the Senate Armed Services Committee to “immediately hold hearings…on the need for our enlisted men and women to have the right to be armed in military facilities.” The Senate Arms Services Committee is already working on a bill to instruct the Pentagon to “end the disconnect between the threats our warfighters face and their families face and the tools they have to defend themselves.”

On Democrat–Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI-2nd)–says that at the least, changes to the way the ban is implemented at recruitment centers is now needed. She said, the Pentagon must consider “the possibility of having some kind of armed guard there, whether it’s a military service member or some other type of guard, so that you at least have a way for our trained warriors to be able to defend themselves against these types of attacks.”

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