Kentucky Senator and Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul criticized Republicans for running away from abortion and declared “There is no reason in the world to have Planned Parenthood, other than abortion” on Tuesday’s “America’s Newsroom” on the Fox News Channel.

Rand said, [relevant exchange begins around 3:05] “I’m going to do everything I can to stop it. And I’m also going to bring this to the American public. I think Republicans have run away from the abortion issue. This is baby parts we’re talking about. We’re talking about doctors who are trying to preserve certain parts by not crushing them, while they crush a baby’s head in the rest of the procedure, and then they’re going to sell the body parts. This is gruesome, and I think most Americans, even those who think they’re pro-choice, would be aghast to know that we’re selling body parts, and that they’re cavalierly sipping wine, and eating brie, and talking about selling body parts. It’s unconscionable and I’m going to do everything I can to stop it.”

Rand added that he doesn’t accept the apology of Planned Parenthood’s director, and that “everything Planned Parenthood does other than abortion, is done by community health clinics. There is no reason in the world to have Planned Parenthood, other than abortion, no taxpayer dollar should go to it because they are indirectly, if not directly, paying for abortion. All of the stuff that Planned Parenthood says they do for people, it can be done through community health clinics, which have gotten a ton of money in the last few years. We should stop all funding for Planned Parenthood.”

He concluded, “the state has a function…the state has a function in protecting life. And we can’t just rip apart babies and pass out different parts of the baby for sale.”

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