Kentucky Senator and Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul vowed “more fireworks” in the Senate on Sunday and that he will “make sure that Republicans know that they’re going to have to vote, on the floor, and directly or indirectly, they’re going to have to vote on whether or not they want to continue to fund Planned Parenthood” on Friday’s “Sean Hannity Show.”

Rand said that he wasn’t at the Republican lunch where Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) allegedly said there was no deal regarding the Export-Import Bank and Trade Promotion Authority. He maintained there is a “disconnect” between conservatives and some Republicans in the Senate, and that if conservatives are ignored, it will leading to dissent among elected conservatives.

Rand further argued that Democrats should be “made” to debate Planned Parenthood’s actions and the organization’s funding. And “People need to be asking Hillary Clinton, ‘When does life begin?’ Apparently, she thinks it begins when you take the baby home. And that needs to be asked over and over again to Hillary Clinton, and then she needs to return her contributions, that she’s been taking from Planned Parenthood.”

He further predicted, “It’s just beginning, you’re going to see more fireworks on Sunday. You’re going to see a host of amendments put forward, and the Republicans are going to have to stop them. And the Republicans will have to object to defunding Planned Parenthood, to allowing soldiers to carry weapons on our bases. You’re going to see a host of conservative amendments come forward on Sunday.” He declared that he will offer his amendment to defund Planned Parenthood “whether I’m allowed to or not, we will challenge, and we will continue to challenge, and make sure that Republicans know that they’re going to have to vote, on the floor, and directly or indirectly, they’re going to have to vote on whether or not they want to continue to fund Planned Parenthood.”

Rand continued, “I’m going to do everything possible, within my powers as a Senator to make sure that conservatives have a voice. And I think our voice is being squelched, and I think this is a real problem, and it leads to dissatisfaction, and it frankly does lead to difficulty in motivating the grassroots conservatives to support Republicans, because then we’re treated this way.”

Later, he added, “If not now, when? If we’re not going to stand up and try to defund Planned Parenthood when these grisly videos are coming forward of so-called doctors sipping wine and eating brie and talking about — casually about switching the baby’s position so she can get to the body parts…that kind of stuff, really, this is the time now to debate Planned Parenthood.”

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