In the immediate aftermath of the Iran deal, and unanimous approval by the UN Security Council, China has reportedly committed to build two nuclear power plants in Iran, according to an Iranian news source relayed via the Nikkei Asian Review and Politico Europe.

“These mark the first reactors China will build in Iran,” the Nikkei report states. “Iran now has only the Bushehr nuclear power plant, built with help from Russia in the country’s southwest.”

China was already exempted from many Iran sanctions, but the nuclear plant is a bold new step.

The spread of nuclear power, in a country whose energy needs can be more than met by oil and gas alone, is certain to make the task of separating Iran’s civilian and military nuclear programs more difficult.

Russia is also reportedly planning more nuclear reactors in Iran. In addition, under the Iran deal, world powers are committed to helping Iran re-design its heavy water nuclear facility at Arak, and to providing Iran with additional nuclear technology, including security.

Photo: Bushehr reactor (file)