Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin told attendees at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Thursday morning in San Diego that if elected President in 2016, he would cancel the nuclear deal with Iran on day one in office. He also said that Planned Parenthood should be defunded for its alleged role in benefiting from abortions.

Walker appears to be seeking to beef up public impressions of his foreign policy stance, attempting to set a firm tone in his quest for Presidential office.

A contingent of protesters picketed the event with complaints, including “Big $$$ Out of Politics,” according to KPBS.

Walker used the protesters to his advantage, recalling the massive union protests that flooded his state’s Capitol as the governor spearheaded what became a successful effort to reform Wisconsin’s public sector union rules.

Walker also pushed conservative issues, such as defunding Planned Parenthood, a hot topic in light of damning undercover video in which the organization appeared to be willing to exchange fetal organs for financial compensation. The Wisconsin governor also pushed for requiring photo ID in order to vote, noted KPBS.

A contingent of Washington State legislators attended ALEC, some of which this reporter was told are already supporting Walker for President. Washington State Representative Vincent Buys (R-Lynden) told Breitbart California:

It is very evident from his speech Gov. Walker is passionate about America and restoring the values that have made America the best, most prosperous nation in the history of the world. Yet through this passion he is able to maintain a grasp on the reality in which our nation is currently mired. His approach to Iran is direct and firm. We cannot negotiate with a nation which continually calls for the destruction of the United States as well as that of our allies. I believe Walker’s demonstrated leadership in Wisconsin is a model and a plan for restoring American prosperity, and his speech this week at ALEC, punctuated line-by-line with applause, is proof of the great candidate and leader Gov Walker is. Best of all, he doesn’t need a teleprompter.

In a Friday op-ed for Breitbart News, Walker re-emphasized his intention to eliminate the Iran deal on day one if he is elected President. Walker called the deal “just the latest in a series of dangerous foreign policy decisions under the Obama-Clinton doctrine.”

He went into detail, citing Americans he knows personally who have seen and relayed to him the deep danger of making deals with the Iranian regime. He called the deal “disrespectful to all of the Americans who have suffered at the hands of the Iranian regime.”

The Ayatollah Khamenei has continually led calls for “death to America” during and after negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program. There are also secret “side deals” involving the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the White House recently admitted.

A Wednesday Politico article noted Walker’s suggestion that he would consider fellow Presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) as a Vice Presidential running mate should Walker win the Republican nomination. A Jeb Bush campaigner has floated that Walker may be making the comments to diminish Rubio’s status as a Presidential contender. But perhaps there is calculation in a strategist for fellow contender Bush to make such a suggestion.

Walker has been using terms such as “fresh” and  “bold, new leadership,” both before and during his presidential campaign. During January’s Republican National Committee winter meeting in Coronado, California, Walker set the stage for his run in similar terms, touting his stand against Wisconsin’s unions.

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