The Obama administration is set to put a new illegal immigrant deportation policy into place that will reduce the level of deportations to even lower levels than the reductions he instituted earlier this year.

The administration claims that the newest policy is meant to refocus the immigration department on deporting criminal aliens while increasingly ignoring illegals that have no criminal history beyond breaking immigration laws.

The change comes on the heels of a new study released by the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) that insists that its policy suggestions would help identify the proper “priorities” for deportations. The new policy would effectively make the entire USA a “sanctuary city” of sorts for millions of illegals who will now be given a pass on deportation should they be apprehended by local or federal authorities.

In fact, MPI noted that the new guidelines would give 87 percent of the illegal population “a degree of protection” from deportation. That is an increase from the 74 percent who were given such “protection” with Obama’s earlier policy.

MPI is a Washington-based think tank funded by a series of far left organizations like the United Nations, the Carnegie Corporation, the MacArthur and Ford Foundations, the George Soros funded Open Society Foundations, as well as a retinue of Big Labor groups such as the SEIU and UNITE HERE.

In a Friday statement, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson praised the MPI study as a way to “substantially transform the U.S. deportation system.”

Johnson went on to say that the changes of the government’s deportation rules would “enhance efforts to bolster public safety.”

“We will continue to work with state and local law enforcement agencies to remove the most dangerous convicted criminals and individuals who pose a threat to our Nation’s security,” Secretary Johnson concluded.

The newest level of deportation reductions is on top of the serious reductions that were instituted less than two months ago when Obama reduced the number of deportations to the lowest levels since 2006.

Over the last three years, Obama has slowed the level of deportations since numbers reached a height in 2012.

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