Two reports in the past five years show that Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are placed at inordinately high levels in black and Latino neighborhoods, leading African-American pro-life campaigners to conclude that the abortion giant is deliberately targeting dark-skinned babies.

Given Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s general promotion of eugenics, along with the “The Negro Project” that she created to target African-Americans, and her appearance before at least one meeting of the KKK, pro-lifers also conclude an element of racism resides in the DNA of the abortion giant.

In 2012 Protecting Black Life, connected to the Cincinnati-based Life Issues Institute, looked at the location of 165 Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities and found 79 percent are within walking distance of either black and Latino neighborhoods. The report analyzed 2010 “census tract” data, which are subdivisions of census data that can demonstrate homogeneous populations.

The report found that 102 of these facilities were located near African-American neighborhoods, while 105 of them are located near Latino neighborhoods. Taken together, 79 percent are located within walking distance of African-American and Latino neighborhoods.

Two years earlier, Texas-based Life Dynamics, mapped every abortion facility in the country, including those belonging to Planned Parenthood, according to zip codes, cross-tabbed them with demographic information, and discovered much the same thing, that abortion clinics are located near minority neighborhoods. At that time, Texas, for instance, had 94 zip codes with either an abortion clinic or a Planned Parenthood abortion-referral clinic. Seventy-two percent of them were in zip codes with disproportionate black or Latino populations. This held true across the country.

Life Dynamics produced a documentary called Maafa 21 that explores the racial nature of the U.S. abortion business.

The Protecting Black Lives report cites data from the Alan Guttmacher Institute, which was founded as the research arm of Planned Parenthood, that in 2008 “30% of the 1.2 million abortions” were performed on a racial group that makes up no more than 12.6 percent of the population. This would make abortion the leading cause of death among African-Americans, higher than “all other causes combined including AIDS, violent crimes, accidents, cancer and heart disease.”

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