Sure, it’s easy to laugh at global-warming true believer Professor Peter Wadhams of Cambridge suggesting that Big Oil rubbed out three climate scientists, one of whom was struck by lightning in Scotland. But is it really so implausible to think that Big Oil has a lightning gun?

Global warming nuts already think they can control the weather, and they seem to be moving toward accusing fossil fuel companies of somehow faking the climate itself, in such a way that satellites are fooled into reporting all those beautiful billion-dollar “climate change” doomsday theories are a pile of rubbish.

The UK Telegraph reports on the grim handiwork of those Big Oil ninjas:

Professor Peter Wadhams said he feared being labelled a “looney” over his suspicion that the deaths of the scientists were more than just an ‘extraordinary’ coincidence.

But he insisted the trio could have been murdered and hinted that the oil industry or else sinister government forces might be implicated.

The three scientists he identified – Seymour Laxon and Katherine Giles, both climate change scientists at University College London, and Tim Boyd of the Scottish Association for marine Science – all died within the space of a few months in early 2013.

Professor Laxon fell down a flight of stairs at a New year’s Eve party at a house in Essex while Dr Giles died when she was in collision with a lorry when cycling to work in London. Dr Boyd is thought to have been struck by lightning while walking in Scotland.

Perhaps the craziest part of this theory is that a climate change fanatic thinks “sinister government forces” might kill someone to harm the cause of man-made global warming. Governments rake in billions of dollars and exert incredible amounts of power in the name of “climate change.” Sinister officials are the last people on Earth who would want to injure this movement.

The article goes on to note that Wadhams claims to have contacted the police with his suspicions that Professor Laxon was “targeted by a lorry which tried to force him off the road,” presumably an incident that occurred before he fell down that flight of stairs on New Year’s Eve, and Dr. Giles was killed in a collision with a lorry, so you can see a certain internal-combustion-engine pattern forming here. You just know the lightning gun that killed Dr. Boyd was powered by fossil fuels, and probably gets lousy gas mileage to boot.

The crucial line in the story comes when Wadhams makes the classic conspiracy-theorist concession that he has not a shred of proof to support charges of foul play – it’s either a grim coincidence, or it was cunningly arranged to look like one. “Yes. I do believe assassins possibly murdered them but I can see that I would be thought of as a looney for believing this,” he told the Telegraph. “But it’s just very odd coincidence that something like that should happen in such a brief period of time. They were accidents as far as anybody was able to tell but the fact they were clustered like that looked so weird.”

That’s the state of “climate change” science in a nutshell, isn’t it? Looking for patterns that aren’t there, discarding all data that disproves the doomsday theories, carefully editing the historical record to create panic-inducing headlines about unprecedented temperature readings and weather phenomenon. Sure, it might all just be coincidence (i.e. natural phenomenon) rather than the apocalyptic consequences of Western industry… but where’s the profit in believing that?

The other vital tactic of the warmists involves throwing out crazy predictions of impending doom, then trusting the media to forget all about them when they don’t pan out. No one is permitted to keep score on just how incredibly wrong the climate change movement has been, about nearly everything, for decade after decade. We’ve already skated past countless climate Armageddon deadlines that won headline-news coverage – and got skeptics slandered as the equivalent of Holocaust “deniers” for doubting them – when they were predicted years ago.

Along those lines, Anthony Watts notes that Professor Wadham scored headline treatment in 2012 for predicting the “final collapse” of Arctic sea ice – by which he meant there would hardly be any left, and coastal cities would begin drowning from  in 2015 or 2016, but the ice is still looking great… so great that yet another global warming research expedition to the Arctic had to be canceled due to excessive sea ice. Wadham, of course, was allowed to simply discard his busted set of doomsday predictions and cook up another one. Maybe he should stick to murder mysteries.

Or maybe not, since the families of the climate scientists he thinks were assassinated by Big Oil are understandably upset by what Wadham has been saying to the media:

His suspicions drew outrage on Saturday from Prof Laxon’s partner, who was also a close friend of Dr Giles. When told what Prof Wadhams had said, Fiona Strawbridge, head of e-Learning at UCL, replied: “Good god. All of this is completely outrageous and very distressing.”

The couple had been staying in a friends’ converted mill in the Essex countryside when her partner fell down the stairs in the early hours of New Year’s Day. He died the next day from head injuries.

“It was very steep stairs and I heard Seymour fall,” said Ms Strawbridge, “It is just completely bonkers [to suggest murder].

“I am sure there are some climate scientists who do get trolled and pursued but Seymour wasn’t one of them. I would have known if anybody had been pursuing him.

“Sometimes there are tragic coincidences and you have to accept that.”

It’s no surprise to find “climate change” enthusiasts refusing to accept the possibility of coincidence, when theories of enemy action can be spun.