Despite his skin colour, it could be argued Obama is a pretty white president. He’s the product of elite American institutions and corrupt Chicago politics, and he is constantly derided by the black community for letting them down.

Consider, by contrast, what the effect of a Donald Trump presidency could be for black Americans. For one thing, a Republican president would do a far better job of insisting that places like Baltimore and Ferguson are policed properly. Whacking black families on welfare and turning a blind eye to crime — the Democrat way — is why so many black Americans are miserable, and why they riot.

But, more crucially, his stance on immigration would immeasurably benefit African-Americans. It is they who suffer when America does nothing to stem the tide of illegal aliens pouring over the border: it’s harder for them to get jobs, and wages are pushed down even further.

Normally what happens with sizeable immigrant populations is that existing groups start to move up the ladder: they become middle-class while the immigrants take low-paid and menial jobs. In LA, even in very black neighbourhoods, the construction workers are all Latino.

Yet that upward ratchet doesn’t seem to be happening in the overwhelmingly Democratic-run black ghettoes so in flux in America today. Blacks aren’t benefitting from the Hispanic invasion: in fact, it’s making their lives even worse.

Liberal journalists constantly try to paint Trump as a racist because he speaks plainly about problems in the black community. And, sure, he likes to put a definite article before the word “blacks,” and he has some strong opinions. But the mud never sticks, in part because Trump seems to really care.

Look, for instance, what he does in business. When opening a members’ club in Miami in the 1990s, Trump insisted on accepting black and Jewish patrons even though the prevailing atmosphere was hostile to both groups. Never mind his off-the-cuff rhetoric: where it matters, he has their back.

As president, he wants to boost American manufacturing jobs, bringing factories back from overseas. Black Americans have traditionally flocked to such jobs: his plan would get a lot of currently unemployed black men back into work. How many black jobs would a $2.4 billion Ford factory based in the US create? Imagine if it was in Detroit.

And surely he’s right when he says that Obama’s presidency has been both racially divisive and horribly underwhelming for black Americans, who do, as he “notoriously” once put it, seem to lack spirit? You have to worry for black neighbourhoods when Hispanics, who have no lingering slavery guilt to worry about, are the ethnic majority in America.

Trump also gets away with honesty that others don’t because he has such an affinity for aspirational mainstream black culture. Trump lives precisely the same life of ostentatious and unashamed wealth as do superstar rappers. Wouldn’t Jay Z have his name emblazoned in gold on skyscrapers if he could afford it?

And isn’t the entire premise of The Apprentice almost perfectly tailored toward that same sense of aspiration, the American dream to which so many blacks aspire when they look at celebrities who made it into the country’s citadels of privilege and influence?

We’re constantly told that there’s more to blackness than just being born African. Liberal theory has held for decades that race is a “social construct” with no “biological basis.” Hogwash, obviously, but apologists for “trans-black” wacko Rachel Dolezal are always reminding us that black identity is complex and about more than just skin colour.

You know what guys? I finally agree. And the proof is Donald Trump, who is, culturally speaking, a terrific fit for black America. Black writer Sonnie Johnson has noted as much in these pages. Blacks seem to identify with Trump’s swagger: they put him in enough rap songs, after all. He’s got hip-hop cred and defiant charisma the dreary Obama could never hope to match.

And black families would be far better off if his immigration policies were put in place. It seems to me that if the black community is as dissatisfied with Barack Obama as it claims, voters could do a lot worse than vote for Trump.

There is a minority war brewing between blacks and Latinos in America, fuelled by the policies and attitudes of a white Left that has forgotten about the civil rights struggle, and Trump is one of the very few, on either side of the political divide, who appears to at least understand the black side of the argument.

Donald Trump would be the real first black president.

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