On August 7, Fox News’ John Stossel published a column in which he pointed out that the NYPD refuses to grant him a gun permit and that NYC’s gun laws are so stringent he can’t even “hold a fake gun on TV to demonstrate something.”

Yet the city “granted an exception” to States United–a gun control group that puts together anti-Second Amendment PSAs–and the exception allowed the group to set up a fake storefront and video the store’s phony salesman showing various guns to customers and telling them how dangerous guns are and how many lives are lost annually due to guns in America.

On March 18, Breitbart News reported that the salesman in the States United PSA is actually Ned Luke, best known for his role in the video game Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V). In other words–the gun salesman who mocks and tries to discourage gun ownership in the PSA makes part of his living relying on an array of firearms in one of the most violent video games available.

But beyond Luke’s duplicity, Stossel is bothered by the PSA’s unfounded claims.

Stossel writes:

States United then made [the footage [of the fact store] into an anti-gun public service announcement. “Over 60 percent of Americans think owning a gun will make them safer. In fact, owning a gun increases the risk of homicide, suicide and unintentional death,” the video says. It’s a powerful message. But it’s a lie.

So Stossel can’t get a gun permit and can’t even hold a fake gun on set to explain a given point or “demonstrate something.” But the city made an exception for the States United PSA?

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