Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton disappointed “Black Lives Matter” activists who managed to get face time with her at a New Hampshire campaign stop this week.

Activists from the Boston chapter of the “Black Lives Matter” protest movement have come forward with some details of their brief backstage meeting with Clinton in Keene, New Hampshire at a campaign event focused on substance abuse.

The activists planned to disrupt the event to ask such questions as “Can you give at least one tangible example of how you expect to reverse the health and human services disaster you orchestrated in impoverished, urban, non-white communities through the domestic [War on Drugs] policy you’ve championed as FLOTUS & Senator?”

The planned interruption would have been similar to Black Lives Matter ambush of a recent Bernie Sanders rally in Seattle. But the protesters got locked out of the event by Secret Service.

After getting in touch with the campaign, the young men and women got to talk to Hillary. “The protesters said Hillary’s answer were ‘similar’ to what they’ve heard from other candidates ‘in that it is a political response,'” tweeted Politico reporter Gabriel Debenedetti.

“I didn’t hear a reflection on her part in perpetuating white supremacist violence,” one of the protesters told reporters in a grammatically elliptical word jumble.

Clinton, for her part, didn’t look too happy to be meeting with them.

(Black Lives Matter Boston, Facebook)