Today’s new numbers from the Census Bureau, published by the Center for Immigration Studies, contradict an earlier claim from NBC researchers.

On July 19th’s program of NBC’s Meet The Press, host Chuck Todd presented a series of facts attempting to rebut Donald Trump’s concerns about uncontrolled Mexican immigration.  For instance, Todd said that he and his staff, “couldn’t find a single study that links violent crime and immigration.” However, as Breitbart News reported, a 2011 GAO report tallied three million arrests attached to the incarcerated illegal alien population.

Todd also addressed net migration: “Are Mexicans flooding into the country, as Trump suggests? Well, net migration between United States and Mexico is– ready for this? Zero, meaning there are just as many people emigrating to Mexico as there are Mexicans coming from Mexico.”

However, today’s report details how a surge in Mexican immigration has helped fuel record growth in the foreign-born population, which now totals 42.1 million:

 The nation’s immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit a record high of 42.1 million in the second quarter of this year– an increase of 1.7 million since the same quarter of 2014. Growth in the immigration population in the last year was led by a 740,000 increase in the number of Mexican immigrants… which increased by 740,000 from 2014 to 2015 — accounting for 44 percent of the increase in the total immigrant population in the last year.

Mexican immigration, however, provides only a snapshot of total immigration from poor countries that occurs as a result of our green card policies. About nine out of every ten green cards are given to immigrants from Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

Each year, the U.S. voluntarily admits the following groups of foreign nationals: one million plus permanent residents with green cards; one million foreign workers, their dependents and refugees; and half a million foreign youths sought by college administrators.

Because the visa dispensations are automatic, these issuances will continue without cessation unless a new law is passed to reduce or halt them.