One issue that has failed to be addressed or reported on by the media in connection with President Obama’s new U.S.-Cuba foreign policy is that of human trafficking.

One of the foremost authorities on this issue is Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Marco Rubio. Rubio, who chairs “the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, And Global Women’s Issues,” is not all that happy with what he calls the “politicizing” of issues by the Obama administration, adding that communist Cuba is nothing more than a “human slave state.”

Rubio penned a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, who will be in Havana, Cuba, to raise the U.S. Flag at the opening of the embassy, demanding that Kerry “turn over all prior drafts of the Cuba portion of the report, the names of all State Department and White House officials who signed off on the Cuba section, and a copy of the Cuban government’s national action plan to combat trafficking,” this according to his press office.

Here is what Rubio’s Senate press office sent out in a press release:

“The politically driven manipulation of the State Department’s 2015 Trafficking In Persons (TIP) Report is an embarrassment for the Obama Administration that threatens to set back U.S. efforts against human trafficking around the world,” wrote Rubio. “For over 15 years, the report has helped encourage foreign governments to tackle human trafficking, if for no other reason than to avoid being named and shamed by the U.S. Now, according to whistleblowers within the State Department, the Administration has announced to the world that it will allow political considerations to trump real reform.”

“It is important that the TIP report remain a true reflection of the trafficking situation on the ground and that a country’s rating never be determined by political considerations but by the country’s true record on this issue,” Rubio continued. “The decision to upgrade Cuba without substantial evidence of improvement is the worst form of politicization of an important anti-trafficking tool. Cuba is a human slave state.”