Originally posted to Sarah Palin’s Facebook page:

Erick Erickson,

Today a friend forwarded your apology for mocking my family – again – and in answer to your point, yes, I do remember people taking repeated potshots at my family, friends, and supporters (many of whom politely pointed out to you and your staffers that the sleazy photoshopped picture you ran of me was indeed fake, but were dismissed and mocked repeatedly for doing so.) Also, in your summary of our interactions, you forgot to mention things like your public comparison of me to L. Ron Hubbard (and not in a way that would make Tom Cruise proud). Apparently you’ve forgotten your other indiscretions, including elevating your staffer, Mr. Wolf, who has been trashing my daughter and entire family on Twitter for days now. Adult males like y’all are just delightful to work with in that GOP machine. Since your man there appears to be your go-to-guy when you want to diss me or my family, try telling him that your organization’s gleeful perpetuation of your problems involving taking unwarranted shots at various conservatives makes it almost silly to take seriously your after-you’ve-been-busted apologies. But thanks for suggesting one anyway today; it’s accepted.

And since we’re clearing the air here, you need to make peace with Mr. Trump and Dr. Carson, whom you also delight in besmirching. They are obviously very sharp, successful, courageous men who certainly did not draw first blood in the battles you picked with them. Do it, so we may have a strong, positive, uncensored primary to elect the strongest nominee to assure there is no “third term” for Barack Obama. And just so you know going forward, a mama grizzly is always going to defend her cubs – especially from a Wolf.

– Sarah Palin

PS: By the way, Erick, it’s August. Why don’t you chill out while Donald Trump brings 24 million people to watch Republican debates, when these debates are full of talented, well-spoken individuals advocating beautifully for our shared values?