From Joe Concha writing at Mediaite:

Scott Walker is the Tim Tebow of politics…the pro-life, conservative sensation on top of the world (or the polls) one moment, the invisible man the next.

For those who don’t know Tebow’s NFL story, here’s the short version: Drafted in the first round by the Denver Broncos despite most pundits saying at the time he didn’t have the arm to succeed in the NFL. Tebow takes over a struggling Bronco team, leads a bunch of unlikely comeback victories late in the season and somehow gets them to the playoffs. God’s quarterback proceeds to carry Denver to a win over the defending-AFC-champion Steelers with an electrifying 80-yard touchdown TD pass on the first play of overtime. The media coverage is so huge it spills off the sports pages and ESPN and into the front page and cable news. Tebow was everywhere.

The Broncos would fall badly to the Pats the following week. Tebow was abruptly traded to the Jets after GM John Elway made a deal for Peyton Manning. #15 would never really be heard from again after an uneventful season in New York, opting for a small role on ABC’s Good Morning America awhile after being released. He’s now back in the NFL trying to capture a third-string job with the Eagles.

Pre-Trump, Scott Walker was arguably the man to beat for the GOP nomination. Iowa was already practically in the bag, with Walker jumping out to a double-digit lead in the Hawkeye state and no real threat coming from establishment candidates like Jeb Bush. Backers reel off the laundry list: He’s the only guy in the race who won three gubernatorial contests in two election cycles. The Wisconsin governor is a union conqueror and debt dissolver…inherited a huge deficit and made it a surplus. And before running to the comments section and advising putting away the Walker pom-poms, do know my horse was declared in this space back in January.

Read the full article.