Grassroots conservatives expressed disgust toward GOP establishment, consulting class operative Rick Wilson for his remark that Americans who support Donald Trump are “low information supporters.”

Conservative radio callers swamped the phone lines of Breitbart News Saturday, hosted by Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon. They also expressed disdain for Willson’s snobbish arrogance and insults cast toward the conservative base throughout his CNN appearance on Friday with Breitbart’s Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow. 

During the CNN broadcast OutFront with host Kate Bolduan, Wilson admitted that he yearns for Jeb Bush to start “posting up” and to stop “trying to draft behind Donald Trump and hope that he collapses and his low-information supporters run into your arms.”

Moreover, Wilson went into full attack mode against Breitbart News, throwing interference for establishment Republicans by smearing the website, comparing it to Russian propaganda news outlet “Pravda.”

The angry Wilson appeared out of control and kept repeating himself: “I get that you guys are all in–I get that Alex. I get that you guys are all in on Trump. Alex, I get it. I get that you guys are all in on Trump. I get it. I understand that–I understand that.”

Marlow acknowledged that Breitbart is a conservative grassroots website and supports issues like building a border fence, so obviously Trump gets ample face time on the site. The EIC pointed out that Politico accused Breitbart of being all in for Ted Cruz. It should come as no surprise that Breitbart News supports conservatives and those fundamental principles. The full interview can be seen here.

Saturday Marlow joined Bannon for a segment on the radio program and stated that the GOP establishment are “losers.” He added, “The GOP consulting class has done nothing for our audience and done nothing for America in the last couple of decades. They are losers, and they are very angry now. They see that millions of Americans are ‘throwing them all out,’ to quote Peter Schweizer, Clinton Cash author. This is a scary time for the establishment Republicans.”

Below are some excerpts from a few of the “low Information supporters” who called into the Saturday show to speak their minds. Also included are comments made by Bannon and Marlow during the broadcast.

Shane from Oklahoma: “I wonder how long that guy sat around thinking of how he’s going to attack your website by referring to Pravda reporting the five-year sorghum harvest plan. You know when Alex won the argument when that guy finished with his arms crossed just staring into the camera. I was in the Marine Corps, and I knew when I won an argument when the other guy says, ‘Oh.. F-U.’ Alex was sitting there smiling while that guy was just sitting there with his arms crossed.” Bannon referred to this as “dropping the mic.” Shane continued, “Good leaders are not necessarily brilliant in themselves; they just surround themselves with good people. Trump proved that by selecting Jeff Sessions to help him with his immigration policy.”

Terry in Virginia: “If we don’t deal with our education system, we will be producing more and more low information voters, and people are going to vote conservatism in America out of existence.”

Glen in Tennessee: “I believe what Trump did by picking Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions for policy advice is a good example of what smart, great businessman do… I feel way more comfortable with Trump now that he’s picked Sessions. He also has looked to Steve Forbes for advice. He’s not afraid to bring good people around himself. He’s not afraid that these people may overshadow him. Politicians, somebody like Obama, tend to surround themselves with people they can push around or people they owe favors to, rather than the smartest people around them that can actually do the job.”

Breitbart’s Executive Chairman added to Glen’s analysis: “I think Trump being able to surround himself with world class experts is what the establishment fears the most. Because the crap they’ve been selling for years, people are not taking it anymore. They’ve had it, and they’re looking for someone, even if it’s an imperfect vessel like Trump, at least to be the battering ram. Where Ted Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, Scott Walker, and Carly Fiorina can line up behind him and may end up blowing through the hole that Trump created. They fear him as an armor piercing shell… And Trump just mocks the Rick Wilsons and the Karl Roves of the world… By the way, Trump doesn’t have any high powered consultants working for him… He doesn’t have a strategist. He doesn’t have a Karl Rove. He’s just sort of making it up as he goes along… Jeb comes off as a puppet on stage, he’s jerking around trying to remember the line the consultant told him to say. It’s so obvious.”

Tex in Louisiana: “After watching the CNN video, it shows me how far they will go to stay in power. They would rather sacrifice their own base and the chance to get in the White House to stay in power because they know the show is over. They know we’re not going to take it anymore, so they’re running for cover… It really pisses me off being considered a low information voter. Even though I’m from the South, from a small town in Louisiana, I have two years of college, I own my own business. I drive a truck for a living. I own my own truck. I stay on top of what’s going on. I see what’s happening. I’m not a low information voter… he is. Republican establishment doesn’t see what’s going on in this country. They don’t recognize that we are really fed up and how far off the rail we are going.” 

Marlow responded by saying, “The Republican establishment doesn’t like you. They think of you as a low information voter. Even if you don’t like Trump, the fact that you would even give him a thought makes you persona non-gratis. In fact, you’re stupid. They think you’re stupid.”

Bannon added, “I’m gonna take it a bit farther. It’s not that they don’t like you, they detest you. Everything you stand for, all the values you live for, they detest you. What they want you to do is keep your mouth shut and send some checks to the RNC. Send some checks for the politicians they represent. They want you to watch these news services that do not represent your values. They want you to keep your mouth shut and in November—every other year for the House and Senate and every four years for president—and they want you to vote the way they tell you to vote. And you know why? You’re too stupid. You’re too big of a rube to know what’s going on.”

Some at CNN even looked “stunned,” observed Bannon, “that a Republican paid consultant viciously attacked the grass roots. The host looked like she was sitting there saying this guy is crazy.”

Brad in Arkansas: “I’ve voted for the lesser of two evils during the last two elections. I voted for Romney and McCain, and I’m not going to do that again for Jeb Bush if he’s nominated. What Trump should’ve said during the debate is, “Look there’s a lot of good candidates up here that I could support. But if we’re going to nominate another mushy candidate you’re going to lose anyway and I’m going to run third-party.”

“Low information” truck driver named Myron: “Donald Trump bringing in Jeff Sessions, boy that tells me a lot about Donald Trump. It says I don’t have all the solutions, even though I have an ego the size of Texas, I know how to assemble a management team to get the job done. That’s what an executive does. I believe the establishment and people like Wilson are banking on the fact that we as “ low information voters” are not going to exercise that franchise to vote.  They’re banking on the fact that we won’t exercise it. But that is the one thing that we as conservatives need to do. We need to exercise the biggest right in the constitution: our franchise to cast a ballot.”

Breitbart News Saturday broadcasts at 10 AM ET and Breitbart News Sunday at 7 PM ET on Sirius XM Patriot radio channel 125.