Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders has stolen away the principal organizers of the effort to draft Elizabeth Warren to run for president.

National Journal reports that the Sanders campaign has hired former “Run Warren Run” field director Blair Lawton as its Iowa field director. That group was put together by and Democracy For America to guilt progressive heroine Sen. Elizabeth Warren into running for president against Hillary Clinton.

The Sanders camp also counts three other “Run Warren Run” figures: Susana Cervantes, Beth Farvour, and Margaret Jarosz, according to National Journal, which interviewed an Iowa-based Draft Warren organizer who now supports Sanders. According to the young activist, “I loved what Warren was saying. I have never been against Bernie at all.”

As Sanders storms ahead of Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire polls and vastly outdraws her at his campaign rallies, the question stands: Is Sanders just filling the token progressive-challenger role in the race? Is anyone really excited about Sanders himself, or would the progressives rather have Warren running?

Sometimes when other options fail, the Left just needs an old white man.