A federal judge has ordered the State Department to cooperate with the investigation into the Hillary Clinton private email scandal, Breitbart News has learned.

Judge Emmett Sullivan, who presides over the nonprofit group Judicial Watch’s lawsuit against the State Department for Clinton’s emails, ordered the State Department Thursday to “begin a dialogue” with Department of Justice and FBI investigators.

“This is one government,” Sullivan said, apparently miffed at the State Department’s unwillingness to help investigators.

Sullivan ordered State Department lawyers to come back to him with a full written report by September 20 detailing the ways in which it has engaged with DOJ and FBI, and he set a new hearing for October 1, shortly before Clinton will be forced to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The State Department recently said that it is not going to search Clinton’s email server. An internal agency investigation of Clinton’s emails has already turned up more than 300 emails that could have potentially contained classified information.

The State Department also admitted that it might have destroyed the Blackberries of top Clinton aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.