Wisconsin Governor and Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker said he’s “not taking a position…one way or the other” on birthright citizenship, and all other issues pertaining to immigration can’t be addressed “until you actually secure the borders and enforce the laws” in an interview with CNBC’s John Harwood released on Friday.

Walker was asked about his support for ending birthright citizenship. He stated, “When it comes to birthright, or anything else, I said until you…actually secure the border, and start enforcing the laws, any politician who talks about anything else beyond that, the American people should be suspect, because we’ve talked for 25 years about those things. I’ve actually talked about doing it.”

Walker was asked about his position on a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, he maintained that “in both of those instances,” “I don’t think any of those issues can be addressed until you actually secure the borders and enforce the laws.”

Harwood then pressed Walker on whether he supports ending birthright citizenship. Walker said, “I’m not taking a position on it one way or the other. I’m saying that until you secure the border and enforce the laws, any discussion about anything else, is really looking past the very things we have to do.”

(h/t The Right Scoop)

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