Hillary supporters vacationing in the Hamptons next week are invited to a pancake breakfast, hosted by longtime donor Alan Patricof. Pancake breakfasts are a staple of campaign fundraisers. Since this event is for Hillary Clinton, and is in the tony Hamptons, though, this pancake breakfast will set supporters back $2,700 a person.

According to the New York Times, the pancake event “had almost reached capacity at more than 300 people.” Collecting almost a cool million for pancakes pretty much defines the Hillary Clinton campaign.

When she launched her campaign for President, Hillary made income inequality one of her central themes. “The deck is stacked in favor of those at the top,” Clinton said. “Everyday Americans need a champion and I want to be that champion.”

This week, her campaign has launched a new ad in the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire. Titled “Reshuffle,” Clinton says the deck is stacked against middle class Americans and she wants to “reshuffle” the deck in their favor.

Last week, while on the family vacation, her husband Bill celebrated his birthday with rock and roll star Jon Bon Jovi. This week, she will leave her $100,000 vacation rental in the Hamptons to take this message on the road to Ohio and Minnesota.

When she returns to the Hamptons, high-end fashion designer Tory Burch will host another funder for Hillary. There will also be several other funders for her in the Hamptons, each with a minimum donation of $2,700 per person expected.

The pancakes, though, are likely to be the most special. At $5,400 a couple, those are some pretty impressive pancakes.