In an attempt to defuse current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s narrative-changing policy discussion about birthright citizenship, the Huffington Post is following Hillary Clinton’s lead and playing the political correctness card to try to define away the reality of anchor babies.

The lead story on HuffPost Wednesday evening attacked Jeb Bush for using the term “anchor baby,” which the language police at the site have termed a derogatory slur. Even though Jeb Bush is far from the strongest voice against illegal immigration in the GOP presidential field, the leftist mega-site tears into him for using a phrase that metaphorically describes the decision made by some illegal alien families to have children in the United States in order to take care of current laws that give those children automatic, birthright citizenship. Once the children are born, illegal immigration activists claim that deporting the parents would be “tearing families apart” and so the children become an “anchor” to subvert legal immigration.

In fact, Bush himself was launching a thinly-veiled attack on GOP front runner Donald Trump, calling for less “bombastic” language when a reporter asked Bush about using the term anchor baby.

As Huffington Post reported:

While taking questions from the press after a town hall in New Hampshire, the former Florida governor and GOP presidential hopeful was asked if he regretted using the term during a radio interview earlier this week.

“I don’t,” he said. “Do you have a better term? … You give me a better term and I’ll use it.”

“Is that not bombastic?” a reporter asked.

“No, it isn’t,” he said. “Give me another word.”

The Huffington Post article failed to provide any examples of acceptable alternatives to the term anchor baby.

The assault comes on the heels of a series of Tweets from the official account of Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, who appeared to have no issue with illegal immigrants bearing children in the United States as an end run around our nation’s legal immigration system.

As Breitbart News recently reported, some pro-illegal immigration activists freely admit to censoring language and changing the definition of words as part of their culture war tactics to fundamentally transform America.