Video was released on Monday of a “confrontation” between Black Lives Matter and Democrat presidential nominee frontrunner Hillary Clinton; however, the video and media reports show that the supposed confrontation with Clinton was done in a private and controlled setting and turned into a platform for Black Lives Matter with no public relations cost to Clinton.

The Clinton / Black Lives Matter confab was a sharp contrast from the recent public humiliation of her Democrat presidential rivals Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders. Both O’Malley and Sanders had their NetRoots Nation Q&A sessions shut down by screaming activists, and Sanders was forced offstage by angry black activists in Seattle.

There was no such shutdown of the Hillary event in New Hampshire. Instead, activists from Black Lives Matter were ushered–at the urging of a sympathetic CNN reporter—into the standing room only event and waited patiently to talk to Hillary Clinton. There was no shutdown of the event, no shouted anger to make Hillary Clinton look bad.

As Boston Magazine reported, activists from Black Lives Matter Massachusetts drove to New Hampshire to a closed door Clinton event:

…when they arrived at Keene Middle School, the Secret Service wouldn’t let them in.

“They said the event was filled to capacity,” (activist Daunaisa) Yancey recalls.

Stuck outside, the group tried to decide what to do. Just then, CNN producer Dan Merica caught sight of them from inside the building.

“He tapped on the window and beckoned me over,” Yancey says. Then, she says, he pulled up our profile of Yancey on his phone. He pointed to the screen, then her: Is that you?

When Yancey confirmed her identity, he started tweeting: “The doors to HRC’s event have been closed by USSS due to capacity, per an aide. That means the #BlackLivesMatter protestors won’t get in.”

Shortly thereafter, the five activists were escorted inside.

Yancey, a local activist since 13, grew up as a Hillary fan.

The session and video release effectively turned into a PR showcase for Black Lives Matter’s America-hating, anti-law enforcement, anti-white narrative, with Hillary Clinton bobbing her head in solidarity. As the Daily Mail reported:

When discussing mass incarceration, (Black Lives Matter activist) Jones says: ‘America’s first drug is free black labor. And turning black bodies into profit. ‘The mass incarceration system mirrors an awful lot like the prison.

‘The prison plantation system. It’s a similar thread. And until someone takes that message and speaks that truth to white people in this country, so that we can actually take on anti-blackness as a founding problem in this problem.’

Clinton nods in agreement before Jones claims that the mass incarceration of people is motivated by money.

The Black Lives Matter movement is a reincarnation of the 1960s era Black Panther philosophy reborn in the age of social media and founded by community organizers. They have been increasingly aligned with establishment Democrat organizations, including Howard Dean’s Democracy for America.

The polite non-shutdown session with Clinton didn’t happen because the activists involved are opposed to direct confrontation. Black Lives Matter activist Daunasia Yancey was one of the people talking to Clinton and has been described as “young, black, female, gay—and ready for her mug shot.” Yauncy has participated in violent clashes with authorities in Boston and Ferguson, Missouri.

While Yauncy is more than ready to rumble for her beliefs, as Boston Magazine reported, she is a longtime Hillary Clinton fan. Yauncy was clear that although the radical Marxists at Black Lives Matter use different tactics than political insider Hillary, they both share the same vision of America as a racist country.

“What (Hillary) said was partially true, that we’re not going to change all hearts and minds about anti-blackness and white supremacy,” Yancey says. She remembers Clinton saying, “I have to be able to package it and be able to sell it in politics.”

“It was weird for me that she said that out loud,” Yancey adds. “It was almost like a white person being like, ‘Oh no, I get the f—kery, but I can’t tell America that they’re racist as f—k.’ I think we got a very different conversation than if media was there.”

This look at the real Clinton outside the eye of the media shows the kabuki theater of the left: Alinsky-influenced Clinton plays the insider game in her run for the White House, while Alinsky-trained Black Lives Matter activists call for burning cities to the ground.