In an interview with Breitbart News Sunday, Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson expanded upon the mainstream media’s misrepresentation of his comments on the border.

He castigated the U.S. government for doing so little to protect Americans against a growing number of illegals committing crimes on our homeland.

BNS guest host Matthew Boyle asked Carson about being accosted by CNN’s Jim Acosta on Sunday’s “State of the Union.” The newsman falsely accused Carson of wanting to use drones to kill people on the border. Carson said he was not surprised that Acosta would make such an allegation. He went on to explain, again, that he had suggested the use of drones, under the purview of the military, to destroyd the caves used to hide illegals.

And of course the liberal media says ‘Carson wants to use drones to kill people on the border.’ And I told them that [I knew] they were going to say that. They [CNN] have no intention of actually reporting a story. They have the intention of presenting their point of view, their narrative, and trying to influence people who are not well-informed.

Carson expressed his disdain over the the lack of willingness on the part of this government and administration to thwart the situation where drugs and violent criminals are entering America.

We have the capability to do it but we have no will to do it. Why is it that our government has almost seems to turn a completely blind eye to what’s going on? Why are they not protecting American citizens from the crime that’s associated with these drug cartels? I don’t understand it.

Over the past two years, 67,000 people who have been captured at the border have been released. Carson pointed out that many of these people are “dangerous criminals” who are not just from the south of the border. They are reportedly from Sudan, Iraq and Russia and many of them are “violent people. And this is a major threat to us; not to mention all of the drug trafficking and the havoc that that is creating in our society.”

Carson said the situation was “heartbreaking” and asserted that he “will obviously continue to talk about that but with much more enthusiasm now that I’ve seen [the border] with my own eyes.”

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