New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is increasingly turning his campaign’s attention to Hillary Clinton’s attempts to hide her activity at the State Department by using a private email server.

During an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Christie said that Hillary deserved every bit of scrutiny on the issue, since she was clearly breaking the law.

Following a new ad, released by the Christie campaign featuring Clinton’s decision to break the law, MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski commented that he appeared to be pounding Hillary Clinton.

“Well, she deserves to be pounded,” Christie replied. “The fact is she doesn’t think she’s accountable to the american people, Mika, she won’t answer questions.”

Christie scoffed over Clinton’s botched handing of the situation including her failed attempt to joke about the issue with a joke about Snapchat.

Christie also pointed out that when Hillary Clinton deleted her emails she was under a subpoena from Congress. That could indicate she was potentially guilty of obstructing justice.

“Hillary won’t even answer these questions,” he said. “She says it’s politics, she goes to back to the typical Clinton response to every criticism … she has not stood up and answered the questions in a forthright way and exhaustive way.”

Christie called for President Obama to order full cooperation with law enforcement agencies to find out the truth behind the email scandal.