Tuesday evening in Iowa, conservative author of “Adios America,” Ann Coulter introduced Republican front-runner Donald Trump at his campaign event.

Coulter said,  “How about anvil babies because that is what anchor babies are around the necks of the American taxpayer. The Republican Party’s typical position is to preemptively surrender whenever liberals start yelling ‘Oh that’s mean. You can’t use that word.’ ‘Oh I did not realize that “The New York Times” made a finding that the term anchor baby is offensive. Henceforth I shall not use it.’ Well they found something new with Donald Trump. No he said ‘no I’ll use anchor babies.’ And now Americans are finding out not only the policy of anchor babies but the policies of these speech Nazis. And they are going to learn when it comes to Donald Trump maybe they better just keep their mouths shut next time.”

She added, “I love the idea of the Great Wall of Trump. I want to have a two drink minimum. Make it a big world-wide tourist attraction. And everyday live drone shows whenever anyone tries to cross the border. I have not had this much hope for America since November 7, 2012.”

She ended her comments saying of a possible President Donald Trump,”God hasn’t given up on America yet.”

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