On, his radio show on Tuesday, talk radio and Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity urged Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to “Focus on the issues” and asked Trump “What are you doing?” in a statement on Trump’s feud with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.

Hannity referenced a tweet he sent out earlier, which he said was just “speaking my mind. I want the most conservative candidate with inspiring ideas, that will solve America’s problems, we need solutions, that can win this race. That’s what I’m looking for. And I’m undecided. Focus on the issues.”

Earlier, Hannity stated, “it’s 19 days later. I thought this thing was put to rest finally. And so my advice, not that anyone’s ever going to take my advice, let’s be honest. But my advice, is stay — you know with a 24 point lead in New Hampshire, a 32 percentage point national rating our of a field of 17, and a 30% win rate in South Carolina, I’m thinking, ‘What are you doing?’ Focus on ISIS, focus on Iran, focus on making America great again, and on Putin, and on China, and on 93 million Americans out of the labor force that our government does even count anymore, the 50 million in poverty, the fact that median income in this country’s down $5,000 over Obama — since Obama’s been president, focus on that. Focus on the important things here. I want every candidate to do that. We’re robbing our kids blind, we’ve doubled the national debt in seven years. He’ll take on more debt than every other president before him combined, who’s going to fix it? That’s what I’m looking for.”

Hannity added that Trump’s poll numbers are a “phenomenon.”

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