In 2008, Barack Obama rode into the White House on a wave of Democrat votes, in what many at the time believed to be a permanent Democrat majority.

But instead of permanent superiority, the Democrat Party has been decimated all across the country with 85 of 98 state legislatures becoming more Republican since 2010.

Democrats and other liberals were so sure that the GOP had become a doomed party upon the ascension of Barack Obama that many had thought that the popular liberal book, “The Emerging Democratic Majority,” had been validated.

But as Democrats celebrated, something began to happen. Democrats out in the states began to lose election after election. It has gotten so bad that Democrat stalwart Dona Brazile recently complained that she and her party “have absolutely been devastated.”

Politico’s Jeff Grenfield agreed, saying, “no president in modern times has presided over so disastrous a stretch for his party, at almost every level of politics.”

Now, a new piece in the Washington Post found that Democrats have “taken a drubbing” in the states.

The Post piece found that “the ratio of Republicans to Democrats has tilted to the right in nearly every Senate and nearly every legislature” since Obama was elected to the White House.

“According to the NCSL data,” the Post article notes, “there were 4,082 Democrats in state senates and state houses in 2009. In 2015, there were 3,163–a decrease of 22.5 percent.”

This massive loss, the article notes, is another reason the Democrat’s bench is so weak all over the country.

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