California Gov. Jerry Brown is a “geezer,” but he has the “opportunity of a lifetime” in the 2016 presidential race.

That’s according to Los Angeles Times columnist George Skelton, who says that Brown “never has been in better position to run”–though he argues that “Brown blew his best chance” because of his three previous failed runs (1976, 1980, and 1992).

Skelton adds that Brown has a quality that Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton lacks:  “like Reagan and Trump — excuse this one comparison — Brown has an appealing ring of authenticity.”

In addition, Skelton writes:

Brown has a record he can crow about as governor of the most populous, most diverse state, with the world’s eighth-largest economy. He has steered the state budget from a crippling deficit to a healthy surplus. He’s still a Washington outsider. He’s usually articulate and interesting.

And he’s driven, more than any presidential contender, by a cause that’s far bigger than any one state: saving the planet by turning down the heat on global warming….

You know that Brown would love to be back running again, especially with the “prince’s” wife stumbling.

Skelton believes Brown will decide to stay out of the race. He suggests instead that Brown run to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) in 2018.