A pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC is appealing to Latino voters with a new ad — featuring Spanish subtitles — attacking the Republican field for being anti-immigrant.

The Priorities USA ad, titled “This is the Republican Party,” features businessman Donald Trump, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker expressing opposition to illegal immigration and commenting on anchor babies.

“Hay 17 candidatos Republicanos a la Presidencia con un solo mensaje para familia inmigrantes…,” the text at the start of the ad reads, with an English translation below reading: “17 Republicans are running for President with one message for immigrant families…”

The ad then cuts to video of the candidates on the campaign trail along with Spanish translations.

First the ad shows Trump discussing illegal immigrants from Mexico. He says they’re, “bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” It then cuts to Bush saying, “Better enforcement so that you don’t have these, you know, ‘anchor babies’” and back to Trump saying “Excuse me, I’ll use the word ‘anchor babies’” and back to Bush saying he does not regret using the term “anchor babies.”

Walker makes one appearance in the video, responding to a question about ending birthright citizenship, “Yeah, for me it’s about enforcing the laws in this country.” Walker has since wavered on this position.

The ad closes with Trump saying: “They’re getting out.”

“Este es el Partido Republicano. Pasa el Mensaje,” the ending text reads with an English subtitle “This is the Republican Party. Pass it on.”

According to The New York Times, the digital ad is slated to run in three states with large Latino populations: Colorado, Nevada and Florida.

The most recent Quinnipiac University National poll has Trump leading the GOP field with 28 percent of the vote, his closest contender is Ben Carson who has support from 12 percent. Meanwhile Bush is at seven percent and Walker is at six percent.
