The media are strangely silent about the open hypocrisy in Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign using ethnic stereotypes to explain his position on Birthright Citizenship. To Bush, it is acceptable to slander Asian women as abusers of Birthright Citizenship. Really?

Where is the outrage over this politically correct racism against Asians while excusing vastly more costly Mexican exploitation of the same law?

Bush was attacked by the Democrats’ PC Police for his use of the forbidden term “Anchor Baby,” so he had to explain the lapse in judgment.  He decided to change the subject — by insulting Asian women who come to the US to give birth and then go home. Bush bravely jumped from the frying pan into the fire by saying he was thinking not about illegal Hispanics having babies to gain legal status but the thousands of Asians who engage in “birth tourism.”

Actually, it is tens of thousands. Chinese government statistics claim the number grew from 4,200 in 2008 to 10,000 in 2012, and the Center for Immigration Studies put the 2014 number at 36,000 from all nations, with China, Korea, Egypt and Russia being the leaders.

So, it appears that in 2015 about 40,000 babies will be granted US Citizenship and a passport as a result of “birth tourism,” a majority of the mothers being from Asia.

Americans living close to the southwest border know a lot about birth tourism. Emergency Room facilities in Cochise County, Arizona and several California communities were closed down because of the cost of providing services to women crossing the border to give birth — and then returning two days later to Mexico. On one of my trips to the California border near Tijuana, I witnessed ambulances waiting 100 yards from the border for their expectant passengers.

What can explain Bush’s politically correct racism in criticizing Asian birth tourism and excusing the Mexican variety?

Maybe birth tourism was not a big deal in Jeb Bush’s Florida while he was governor, but he has had plenty of time to study the issue since leaving office eight years ago. Birth tourism has been the subject of extensive news coverage in the New York Times, USA Today, LA Times, Huffington Post, NewsMAX, and even the Wall Street Journal. The FBI and local police raided over two dozen birth tourism facilities in Southern California in March.

Why does Bush think Asian birth tourism is a national scandal, while the 340,000 illegal alien anchor babies annually are a national treasure?

If the numbers were reversed, and we had 500,000 illegal aliens annually coming from Asia and only 20,000 from Mexico and Central America, would Jeb Bush be using his Mexican-born wife as an excuse for turning a blind eye to the costs and perils created by illegal immigration?

The only possible reason for attacking Asians is to distract public attention from the true problem, the massive cost of illegal alien abuse of birthright citizenship.

Bush’s cynicism and hypocrisy is only slightly less astounding than the media’s ugly bias in letting him get away with it. On the other hand, it’s not at all surprising: being the establishment’s candidate means immunity from the standards applied to others.