Monday on Fox News, White House correspondent  Ed Henry reported the State Department has found another 150 of Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s emails from her tenure as secretary of state with classified information in them.

Henry reported, “First of all, we’re now learning from State Department officials that number is increasing, beyond 6,000 — more than likely going to be 7,000 pages of Hillary Clinton’s official email spilling out. When? It was supposed to be midday and then it was moved back to 6 p.m. Eastern. We just learned in the last minute it will be about 9 p.m. Eastern now. Why all these delays? Well, one reason may be, as we’ve seen in the past with the document dumps — we’re now learning the most important piece of information of all is about 150 of these Clinton emails that will be released in this batch have some classified information in them, so they will be blacked out and redacted—that sensitive classified information.”

“Why is that significant?” he continued. “Well, to recap, the State Department had already told us there were at least 63 emails with some classified information in them, based on the previous three months of information emails they had released every 30 days. Now this one, this is big—about 150 emails with classified information, we’re told. And we’ll obviously dig into that and get more specifics, but bottom line, back in March Hillary Clinton told the people in that news conference there was no classified information in that server. Now you’ve got the 63 emails with some classified information and now we’re learning just this hour another 150 emails—roughly that—have classified information. Remember, in her defense, she said it was not marked classified at the time, however, all of that is going to be dug into.”

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