Even the left-wing Huffington Post is figuring out that GOP primary voters abhor anyone associated with the Republican establishment and the permanent political class.

On Monday, the Huffington Post, which hardly has any influence over the GOP primary process, mocked the GOP establishment with a front-page headline that read, “GOP Establishment Stuck In Single Digits!” The Huffington Post had photos of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker–all of whom have been struggling to gain traction–under the headline, which linked to a story about HuffPost Pollster’s average of the national GOP presidential polls.

In the HuffPost Pollster’s average, businessman Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina combined for 46%, which increased to 52% when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was added. On the other hand, as the outlet noted, the “nine former and current governors running for the GOP nomination,” including Bush and Walker, “take just about 27 percent combined. The four senators besides Cruz total about 11 percent.” Only Trump and Carson were in double digits in the HuffPost Pollster’s average of the polls.

A recent Quinnipiac poll found that an astonishing 73% of Republicans believe a D.C. outsider would make the best president, which shows how much Republican voters dislike the political establishment. Before non-politicians like Trump and Carson started to surge in national polls, they were outperforming their national poll numbers in the Breitbart Primary, which was a leading indicator in predicting the success of candidates not associated with the D.C. establishment with the conservative grassroots. Establishment politicians like Bush, Graham, and Pataki did not even get 1% combined in recent Breitbart Primary straw polls.

If establishment Republican candidates continue to poll poorly, perhaps even Mother Jones and The Nation, two other publications that are irrelevant in the GOP primary process, will also pile on and troll the GOP establishment.

Here are the results of HuffPost Pollster’s average of the national polls:

Donald Trump – 31.3%
Ben Carson – 11.2 %
Jeb Bush – 7.7%
Marco Rubio – 6.0%
Mike Huckabee – 5.7%
Carly Fiorina – 5.6%
Ted Cruz – 5.5%
Scott Walker – 4.5%
John Kasich – 3.3%
Rand Paul – 3.2%
Chris Christie – 2.7%
Rick Perry – 1.7%
Rick Santorum – 1.2%
Bobby Jindal – .6%
Lindsey Graham -.3%
Jim Gilmore – 0%
George Pataki – 0%