Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Outnumbered,” Republican presidential candidate Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) said now that President Barack Obama has secured enough support in the U.S. Senate to uphold the nuclear agreement with Iran, he’ll be directly responsible for any bloodshed that is a result of the deal.

Christie said of the Senators that are supporting Obama’s deal, “Everything that Iran does to foment terrorism in the world, attack Israel, attack America is their responsibility as well. I hope they are ready to live with it.  I hope they are ready to live with it the conduct of people who are the largest state sponsors of terror in the world. I hope they are ready to live with the conduct of people who say they want to wipe Israel off the map. I hope they’re ready to live with the conduct of people who say we are the Great Satan. There are now testing missiles not to shoot at Israel but shoot at us.”

“I absolutely believe that what Iran is trying to do is create a new Persian Empire,” he added.

Christie said President Obama “always believes he is the smartest guy in the room and he gets it and nobody else dose.”

“He believes this is his legacy and I do too,” Christie continued. “People will look back and say this is the worst thing this president has ever done. And every death Iran causes is on Barack Obama’s head.”

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