Columnist and Fox News Contributor Charles Krauthammer argued, “President Obama’s reaction to every incident where there was race involved…has always been to instinctively side himself against the authorities” “And that’s a message that the police have received” on Wednesday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.

Krauthammer stated, [relevant remarks being around 3:50] “There’s a big difference between somebody shooting innocent people in a church, and shooting police officers. And I do think there’s really a problem where the police have a sense that America isn’t at their back. But what the police chief actually was saying, in his own way, was that it is the president, it’s the authorities who don’t seem to have their back. President Obama’s reaction to every incident where there was race involved, from — starting with Professor Gates in Cambridge, through the Trayvon Martin [case], and all the way through, has always been to instinctively side himself against the authorities, to call them dumb or whatever, and to express his sympathies. He didn’t do it in an extreme way, but with the supposedly aggrieved. And that’s a message that the police have received. They’ve seen what happened in Baltimore, where they were essentially left unprotected. There is a reason that these murder rates are going up. That is because we’re having a slow motion police strike, where police are either not going into the neighborhoods, or are pulling away in a dangerous incident or a confrontation. Because it used to be if you were in — a police officer in a confrontation, your instant, one thought would be, ‘How do I escape alive, how do I protect the people? And now he has to think, ‘How is this going to look on video, how will I be treated tonight in the evening news, and how will I be ultimately treated by the legal system?’ And once you have to add that factor, the policeman is defenseless.”

Krauthammer also slammed the “moral cowardice” of Democratic presidential candidate former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley for apologizing after saying “All lives matter.”

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