So Reince Priebus and those establishment Republican National Committeemen who elected him now want to demand that all of the Republican candidates for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, including Donald Trump, sign a so-called “loyalty oath.” Or else. Or something.

Donald Trump could first tell Mr. Priebus that the Republicans who are supporting his candidacy seem to be of the type that wish the “Campaign Conservative” Republicans, who the Republican voters sent to the House and Senate to, for example, defund Obamacare, ought to have been loyal to the American voters regarding the promises they made to them.

And that Mr. Priebus and the rest of the Republican National Committee members ought to be pressing those “Campaign Conservative” Republicans to live up to their campaign promises by actually doing what they promised.  Hell, the “Campaign Conservatives” couldn’t even kill the Export-Import Bank.

Next, Donald Trump should explain to Mr. Priebus that he’s going to announce a loyalty oath to his supporters: That if they will go one step further in their support for him, and actually get involved in Republican Party politics where they live, in their own precincts, by becoming precinct committeemen, so they can vote for their local Party committee officers, and vote for those who elect the members of the Republican National Committee, that he will do everything in his power to help them elect better people to the Republican National Committee positions. So that, finally, conservative Republicans will have an authentic conservative in the Republican National Committee Chairman’s seat.

I recently wrote about how Donald Trump could make this pitch to his supporters here. Any of the “outsider” candidates could do this. The first one that does will “own” this pitch.

Donald Trump can, if he’s smart – and, obviously, he is – not only get the nomination in this way but simultaneously reinvigorate the Republican Party with grass roots conservatives. He’s got an uncanny knack for getting the attention of the media – and by calling out the “Campaign Conservatives,” and the RNC’s failure to call them out for their broken promises, and by calling his supporters to come “into” the Party at the precinct and local committee level, where the Party is at half strength, he will greatly increase his chances of winning the nomination by greatly increasing the number of conservatives “in” the Party apparatus where it really matters:  at the precinct level.

A wise man once said, “He who controls the precincts controls the Party.”

Imagine Donald Trump and his supporters controlling the precincts and the Party.

Thank you.

Dan Schultz

Daniel J. Schultz graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1978 and served as an Army Human Intelligence Officer. He now practices law. He has been a Republican Party precinct committeeman since 2007 and was a co-winner of the Conservative HQ Liberty Prize. State-specific and other information relating to The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy can be found at and http://theprecinctproject.wordpress.comHe can be reached at