Thursday Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump announced he has signed the Republican National Committee’s pledge stating he would not run as an independent candidate if he does not win the Republican nomination in 2016.

The pledge that was sent to all the candidates reads: “I [name] affirm that if I do not win the 2016 Republican nomination for president of the United States I will endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee regardless of who it is. I further pledge that I will not seek to run as an independent or write-in candidate nor will I seek or accept the nomination for president of any other party.”

Trump said, “Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you for all being here. This is some turnout, my great honor. The chairman just left as you probably know, and he’s been extremely fair. The RNC has been absolutely terrific over the last two-month period. As you know, that’s what I’ve wanted, I’ve wanted fairness. I don’t have to be treated any differently than anybody else. I  just wanted fairness from the Republican party. We’re leading in every single poll. A new poll came out today where we’re over 30%. we’ve actually hit numbers as high as 35% and 40%. And frankly, I felt that the absolute best way to win and to beat the Democrats and very easily. I think, beat the Democrats no matter who it may be, whether it’s Hillary or anybody else, and I  think maybe Hillary’s going to have a very hard time frankly with what’s happening getting to the starting gate. The best way for the Republicans to win is if I win the nomination and go directly against whoever they happen to put up. and for that reason, I have signed the pledge. I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican party and the conservative principles for which it stand. We will go out and we will fight hard and we will win. We will win. And most importantly, we will make our country great again because that’s what it’s all about. We have to make our country great again.”

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