Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Outnumbered,” network regular Jesse Watters reacted to the ongoing controversy surrounding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a candidate for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, for her use of a private server during her tenure as the nation’s top diplomat.

According to Watters, Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, should “prepare for some conjugal visits” and described Hillary Clinton as “Edward Snowden in a pantsuit.”

“I think the cover up is worse than the crime,” he said. “I think Bill Clinton might have to prepare for some conjugal visits because Hillary might be, you know, soap on a rope pretty soon.  It doesn’t look good.”

“You do not plead the Fifth when it’s a partisan scandal,” he continued. “You plead the Fifth when it’s a criminal investigation and her excuse that she didn’t send or receive classified information that would make her the first Secretary of State in U.S. history to never get any classified information or give it out. So this just doesn’t fly.  She thinks we are stupid and then she goes on and she says you know I had 60,000 emails working for Obama, 30,000 were personal.  She’s not doing very much work then. So obviously the emails your seeing sent out right now, these are the ones that she wants us to see. I think the incriminating ones, she’s deleted and that’s obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence and you have the know the Russians or the Chinese … of course they hacked the server.”

“Why do you think they’ve been running circles around us for the last couple of years?” he added. “I mean Hillary’s exposing all of our secrets. She’s like Edward Snowden in a pantsuit.”

(h/t Fox Nation)

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