Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz stated that if the Iran nuclear deal goes into effect, it will “make the single most important issue in 2016 stopping a nuclear Iran” in an interview broadcast on Wednesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

Cruz stated, [relevant remarks begin around 4:35] “if we go through with a show vote this week, if Republicans vote against it, Democrats vote for this deal, it will go into effect. That will make the single most important issue in 2016 stopping a nuclear Iran. And I’ll tell you this, Sean, I cannot wait to stand on that debate stage next to Hillary Clinton, and to make abundantly clear, if you vote for Hillary, you are voting for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. And if you vote for me, under no circumstances, will Iran, led by a theocratic ayatollah who chants ‘Death to America,’ under no circumstances will Iran be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons.”

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